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Alfatore Group.


Building solid relationships with the private and public companies within the energy sector, to better connect fuel supplies to global markets. 






Many countries lack constant supply of stable fuels such Diesel and Gasoline, leaving way for us and our team  to bridge the gap of demand and supply using knowledge, advanced negotiating skills and hours of hard work backed by our committed suppliers and their seriousness to execute each contract successfully.  


We are a young company involved in the development, procurement, marketing and sales of fuel energy commodities such as Diesel, Gasoline, Petroleum Coke and Crude Oil. Strong focus towards Refined petroleum, such as EN590 10 PPM & Gasoline. 


We are a hands-on type of company, looking to build professional relationships with our clients in order to offer value to each and every business. Adding reliable supplies to your already existing business, is always a good strategy. Our presence and experience in remote and hard to deal with countries, is where we excel in getting what we know is valuable to global markets. A Win-Win situation is the basic fundamentals of business, where value is exchanged for profits and success is exchanged for reputation.

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The success of each business is directly related to the collective skills, knowledge and vision of the team behind it.

Local knowledge and communication skills is critical in dealing with valuable resources from hard to deal with regions, many regions are sensitive to outsiders or new businesses, and therefore, the local presence or face to face trust building, brings hard to reach deals into existence, as well as the opportunity to build new relations that can lead to more business opportunities. A good team, is part of the vision to success on a global level. 

Critical attention to


  • Risk Management

  • Business relationship 

  • International transactions

  • Problem solving 

  • Dealing with Remote regions

  • Development of new productions

  • Negotiating long term contracts

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Old methods in a new era.

 Our Team is a strong believer in traditional face to face business, therefore we encourage dealings to take place in person, no matter where you may be located, we will do our best to schedule a visit to meet and conclude contracts. Getting to personally know each and every business and their decision makers leads to improved flow of business, and certainly influences positive decisions when markets are slow, together finding better solutions. 

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Joseph Hanna



​We hope to meet or exceed your expectations when dealing with us, and hope to personally build new relations with like-minded businesses and their decision makers.


“A reliable supply is just as important as a serious buyer, as one without the other, is simply a delusion that leads to frustration and loss of valuable time and resources”

As a 4th generation business oriented individual and owner (slightly different from previous family businesses), gaining tremendous skills and awareness in this industry from simply being exposed and involved directly and indirectly from the very beginning. Including direct involvements, such as travels and development of different businesses within South America, Africa and South Central Asia, where various long term relations have been established in more than one sector. Those same relations being the initial factor in securing new supplies and development of future ones. 


As a young company and the competitive nature of business in today’s world, it is important to connect to business owners in a more personal professional manner, to always have more than just a given business in between, rather to help each other solve situations and build better bridges for the future. Some businesses are straight forward, however many are not, where value and profit are gained and given through flexible thinking, seizing opportunities and building relationships that are solid and efficient.


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